Amig@s por siempre
Spanish 102 Access to Amig@s por siempre, Live Edition. Modules 5, 6, 7 and 8
Amig@s por siempre
Spanish 102 Access to Amig@s por siempre, Live Edition. Modules 5, 6, 7 and 8
Módulo 5 highlights Spain’s rich history and amazing present. Many aspects of Spain’s rich life are discussed, including: El Camino de Santiago, everyday life in historic cities across Spain, and their famous festivities that are popular worldwide.
Verbos | Verbs |
Lugares | Places |
Adjetivos | Adjectives |
Comidas y bebidas | Food and Drinks |
Gente | People |
Animales | Animals |
Tecnología y medicina | Technology and Medicine |
Sociedad y fiestas | Society and Spanish Festivals |
Naturaleza | Nature |
Palabras útiles | Useful Words |
Nombres | Nouns |
Objetos directos e indirectos | Direct and Indirect Objects and Pronouns |
Pronombres de objetos directos e indirectos | Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns |
Verbos reflexivos | Reflexive Verbs |
Pretérito de conjugaciones regulares en -ar, -er, -ir | Preterite of Regular -ar, -er, -ir Conjugations |
Pretérito de verbos irregulares I (ser-ir) | Preterite Irregular Verbs I (Ser – Ir) |
Así es España | This is Spain |
Todo sobre España | All About Spain |
Hecho en España | Made in Spain |
Nuestra lengua: Para hablar de una rutina extraordinaria | Our Language: To Talk About an Extraordinary Routine |
Así somos los españoles | This is us: People from Spain |
Para comunicarnos sobre nuestra rutina diaria | To Talk About our Daily Routines |
Si viajas a España | If You Travel to Spain |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura española | The Rich Spanish Culture |
España en nuestra música | Spain in our Music |
Españoles ejemplares | Exemplary Spanish Figures |
Módulo 6 is a journey through beautiful Costa Rica, and celebrates its ethnic diversity and amazing biodiversity. Costa Rica’s advances in technology are explored, spanning from the traditional carreta to their breakthroughs in current medical equipment. This module goes into the recipe for the life essentials to have what Costa Rican’s call: pura vida.
Política | Politics |
Verbos | Verbs |
Comida | Food |
Naturaleza | Nature |
Adjetivos | Adjetives |
Animales | Animals |
Nombres | Nouns |
Profesiones | Occupations |
Objetos | Objects |
Adjetivos demostrativos | Demonstrative Adjectives |
Palabras útiles | Useful Words |
Pretérito de verbos con cambios ortográficos | Preterite Verbs That Require Orthographic Changes |
Pretérito de verbos irregulares | Irregular Preterite Verbs |
Verbo dar, presente y pretérito | Indicative of the Verb dar: Present and Preterite |
El verbo decir | The Verb decir |
Así es Costa Rica | This is Costa Rica |
Todo sobre Costa Rica | All About Costa Rica |
Hecho en Costa Rica | Made in Costa Rica |
Nuestra lengua: Para compartir lo que hicimos | Our Language: To Talk About What We Did |
Así son los costarricenses | This is us: People from Costa Rica |
Para comunicarnos sobre lo que pasó | To Talk About What Happened |
Si viajas a Costa Rica | If You Travel to Costa Rica |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura costarricense | The Rich Costa Rican Culture |
Costa Rica en nuestra música | Costa Rica in our Music |
Costarricenses ejemplares | Exemplary Costa Rican Figures |
Módulo 7 is a journey through magnificent Chile. Chile’s resilient, patriotic and hardworking people live in a very special country filled with natural resources. We are excited to visit them, and they are happy to welcome us.
Adjetivos | Adjetives |
Verbos | Verbs |
Comida chilena | Chilean Food |
Geografía chilena | Chilean Geography |
Industria chilena | Chilean Industry |
Política y sociedades chilenas | Chilean Politics and Society |
Naturaleza | Nature |
Nombres | Nouns |
Partes del cuerpo | Parts of the Body |
Palabras útiles | Useful Words |
Verbos con sintaxis especial | Verbs with Special Syntax |
El imperfecto de indicativo | Imperfect |
Pretérito e imperfecto de indicativo | Preterite and Imperfect |
Así es Chile | This is Chile |
Todo sobre Chile | All About Chile |
Hecho en Chile | Made in Chile |
Nuestra lengua: Para hablar de cómo se hicieron las cosas | Our Language: To Talk About How Things Were Done |
Así son los chilenos | This is us: People from Chile |
Para comunicarnos: Para hablar de cuando eras niño o niña | To Talk About Your Childhood |
Si viajas a Chile | If You Travel to Chile |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura chilena | The Rich Chilean Culture |
Chile en nuestra música | Chile in our Music |
Chilenos ejemplares | Exemplary Chilean Figures |
Módulo 8 explores the natural beauty of Puerto Rico and reflects upon the responses of Puerto Ricans to the critical challenges affecting the island, both from an economic standpoint as well as the elements (hurricanes, earthquakes…).
Lugares | Places |
Verbos | Verbs |
Adjetivos | Adjectives |
Familia y gente | Family and People |
Objetos | Objects |
Comer y comida | Eating and Food |
Medicina e industria | Medicine and Industry |
Vida civil | Civilian Life |
Objetos | Objects |
Nombres | Nouns |
Palabras útiles | Useful words |
Oraciones con se | Sentences with se |
Presente perfecto | Present Perfect |
Adverbios y verbos, repaso | Adverbs and Verbs, a Review |
Sufijos diminutivos y aumentativos | Diminutive and Augmentative Suffixes |
<tr”>Puertorriqueños ejemplaresExemplary figures of Puerto Rico
Así es Puerto Rico | This is Puerto Rico |
Todo sobre Puerto Rico | All About Puerto Rico |
Hecho en Puerto Rico | Made in Puerto Rico |
Nuestra lengua: Para hablar de lo que has hecho o no | Our Language: To Talk About What You Have Done |
Así son los puertorriqueños | This is us: People from Puerto Rico |
Para comunicarnos sobre comparaciones | To Talk About Comparison |
Si viajas a Puerto Rico | If You Travel to Puerto Rico |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura puertorriqueña | The Rich Puerto Rican Culture |
Puerto Rico en nuestra música | Puerto Rico in our Music |
Puertorriqueño ejemplares | Exemplary Puerto Rican Figures |