Amig@s por siempre
Spanish 104 Access to Amig@s por siempre, Live Edition. Modules 13, 14, 15 and 16.
It includes 5 coach@ sessions.
Amig@s por siempre
Spanish 104 Access to Amig@s por siempre, Live Edition. Modules 13, 14, 15 and 16.
It includes 5 coach@ sessions.
Módulo 13 explores Colombia, which is a country with very much to offer. The many challenges of the past have given birth to a new and vibrant country filled with hope.
Elementos naturales | Natural Elements |
Verbos | Verbs |
Objetos | Objects |
Comida | Food |
Adjetivos I | Adjectives I |
Adjetivos II | Adjectives II |
Personas | People |
Sustantivos | Nouns |
Subjuntivo en cláusulas adverbiales III | Adverbial Clauses with Subjunctive III |
El impefecto de subjuntivo en cláusulas relativas | Imperfect Subjunctive in Substantive Clauses |
El imperfecto de subjuntivo con expresiones de duda y negación | Imperfect Subjunctive with Wxpressions of Doubt and Negation |
Así es Colombia | This is Colombia |
Todo sobre Colombia | All About Colombia |
Hecho en Colombia | Made in Colombia |
Nuestra lengua: en caso de que | Our Language: In case of… |
Así somos los colombianos | This is us: People from Colombia |
Para comunicarnos sobre… ¡Valió la pena! | To Talk of Things That Were Worth the Trouble |
Si viajas a Colombia | If You travel to Colombia |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura colombiana | The Rich Colomobian Culture |
Colombia en nuestra música | Colombia in our Music |
Colombianos ejemplares | Exemplary Colomobian Figures |
Módulo 14 visits Nicaragua, with its natural beauty, complex recent history and enormous future.
La naturaleza | Nature |
La ciudad | The City |
Nombres | Nouns |
Adjetivos y adverbios | Adjectives and Adverbs |
Verbos | Verbs |
Objetos | Objects |
Comida | Food |
El condicional simple | Simple Conditional |
Cláusulas hipotéticas I | Hypothetical Clauses I |
Cláusulas hipotéticas II | Hypothetical Clauses II |
Así es Nicaragua | This is Nicaragua |
Todo sobre Nicaragua | All About Nicaragua |
Hecho en Nicaragua | Made in Nicaragua |
Nuestra lengua: manejar situaciones imprevistas | Our Language: Handling Unexpected Situations |
Así somos los nicaragüenses | This is us: People from Nicaragua |
Para comunicarnos sobre… mis dilemas | To Talk of my Problems and Dilemmas |
Si viajas a Nicaragua | If You travel to Nicaragua |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura nicaragüense | The Rich Colomobian Culture |
Nicaragua en nuestra música | Nicaragua in our Music |
Nicaragüenses ejemplares | Exemplary Colomobian Figures |
Módulo 15 introduces us to Perú, with its historical significance as reflected on its majestic pre-Columbian architecture.
Personas y sociedad | People and Society |
El medio natural | The Natural Environment |
Nombres | Nouns |
Objetos | Objects |
Adjetivos y verbos | Adjectives and Verbs |
Comida peruana | Peruvian Food |
El pluscuamperfecto de indicativo | Pluperfect Indicative |
El condicional perfecto | Conditional Perfect |
Cláusulas hipotéticas III | Hypothetical Clauses III |
Así es Perú | This is Peru |
Todo sobre Perú | All About Peru |
Hecho en Perú | Made in Peru |
Nuestra lengua: cuando nos arrepentimos de algo | Our Language: When We Regret Something We Did |
Así somos los peruanos | This is us: People from Peru |
Para comunicarnos sobre… Si lo hubiéramos sabido | To Talk About What Would Be Different Had We Known Beforehand |
Si viajas a Perú | If You travel to Peru |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura peruana | The Rich Peruvian Culture |
Perú en nuestra música | Peru in our Music |
Peruanos ejemplares | Exemplary Peruvian Figures |
Módulo 16 explores beautiful Paraguay, with special attention to its warm and welcoming people.
Naturaleza y deportes de aventura | Nature and Extreme Sports |
Verbos | Verbs |
Personas, profesiones y objetos | People, Professions and Objects |
Adjetivos y adverbios | Adjectives and Adverbs |
Música, cine y television | Music, Films and Television |
Comida y bebidas | Food and Drinks |
Nombres | Nouns |
El pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo | Pluperfect Subjunctive |
El pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo | Past Perfect Subjunctive |
Los verbos saber y conocer | The Verbs saber and conocer |
Así es Paraguay | This is Paraguay |
Todo sobre Paraguay | All About Paraguay |
Hecho en Paraguay | Made in Paraguay |
Nuestra lengua: cuando nos arrepentimos de algo | Our Language: When We Regret Something We Did |
Así somos los paraguayos | This is us: People from Paraguay |
Para comunicarnos sobre eventos pasados | To Talk About Past Events |
Si viajas a Paraguay | If You travel to Paraguay |
Aprender enseñando | Learning by Teaching |
La rica cultura paraguaya | The Rich Paraguyan Culture |
Paraguay en nuestra música | Paraguay in our Music |
Paraguayos ejemplares | Exemplary Paraguyan Figures |