Our Amis pour la vie Program

French courses

Our Amis pour la vie program will cover 24 modules, from Beginning to Advanced French. As of Spring 2021, the program offers 8 modules for Beginning French. Intermediate French I will be available by Fall 2021 and Intermediate French II by Spring 2022.
Thanks to its modular nature, Amis pour la vie allows instructors to design their courses according to the specific content they want to cover in their classes. Instructors may choose among the offered modules to create a course and arrange the materials in the preferred sequence, so the course is completley adapted to the pace of the students.

The sequence of modules helps students transition from one term to the other in a seamless progression.  Each Module of Amis pour la vie contains 3 sections: “Des Mots”, “Des Structures” and “C´est la vie!!”.

About our courses

  • Tried, Tested and Approved

  • Our Courses Are Canvas-Native

  • Our Courses Are 100% Universally Accessible

  • Our Courses Allow for Total Personalization

  • VoiceThread Included

  • High Standards

  • Constantly Updated and Improved

  • Meaningful Feedback to Students

  • Assessment, SLOs and Rubrics

We have purposely avoided calling this section vocabulary, though it deals with words.

In every traditional textbook, the vocabulary section includes a list of words to be memorized, “learned” that students are responsible for memorizing. In Amis pour la vie, words are not to be memorized but used, applied and played with.

As students work with Des Mots, they are in familiar territory. According to language experts, French and English share 60% of their vocabulary, with minor spelling variations in many cases. When the vocabulary is related to the sciences, the commonality rises to 90%!

Each Des Mots section includes from 10 to 13 tables or lists of words, totaling around 400 per module. Their relevance and reason for selection is related to their use in our C´est la vie! section.

Students are asked to simultaneously read and listen to the words as they are pronounced by modeling voices, paying attention to their pronunciation and their meaning in English. Students are later asked to record after the modeling.  The drill of recording their voices as they pronounce hundreds of relevant French words, will also foment students’ oral production in a non-threatening context.

Formative assessment related to words will go from basic identifications in beginning Module, to more complex applications in future courses.

Individual, paired, group and full class activities and discussions enable further practice. Students are asked to participate in engaging exercises of identification, matching, definitions and more. Activities are visually engaging and communicative.

In conclusion, the Des Mots section of this class is the student’s sandbox for playing with French words and preparing for extended grammar practice in Des Structures, and an amazing linguistic and cultural immersion in C´est la vie!

The Amis pour la vie program supports a rich, visual and engaging approach to teaching grammar and learning.

The first activity of this section sets the stage for the learning objectives in this module. Students are asked to complete an introductory activity that uses visuals with no previous knowledge of the topic.

The subsection Remarquez. is a general introduction to the grammatical topic presented

À noter… offers a more detailed presentation that helps introduce nuances around the main structural topic. There are many examples of translations and practical communicative applications of the topics at hand.

Each Quick quiz starts with a series of comprehension-checks, to ensure that students were able to follow the presentation. Terminology related to the topic is reviewed, and ample practice follows.

The Amis pour la vie C´est la vie! section is dedicated to each and every Spanish-speaking country, including the United States.

Naming this section C´est la vie! (vs. culture) reflects our intention to introduce students to the many aspects of life in our countries.

  • Voici… is a visual introduction to the country in focus. Data related to population, political geography, flag, currency… among others. A simple True/False activity ensures critical thinking and comprehension.
  • Tout sur… takes a glance at the history, geography, life and other relevant aspects of life in the target country, from past to present.
  • Fait dans… highlights the creation, the arts and crafts and others that are at the base of the ingenuity of the people of the target country.
  • Notre langue is a visual reflection on how our language works and how it can be used in practical-communicative situations, following the premise that visual comprehension precedes oral production.
  • The Nous sommes comme ça… readings introduce students to the character and characteristics of the people of each target country.
  • The Pour communiquer section focuses on functional uses of French.
  • Si vous voyagez… is a virtual invitation to explore the most beautiful areas of the target countries. Si viajas a… represents an opportunity to familiarize students with the geography, the history, artistic manifestations, among others, of our beautiful Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Apprendre… en enseignant is a section inviting students to share what they have acquired working with their preferred section of each module. The activity should be submitted via Discussions in Canvas or presented in class, after students have transformed their presentation in a short but meaningful vlog.
  • Culture et historie… highlights the different cultural values of the target country: Art, food, music…
  • Notre musique… is an opportunity to learn and enjoy the musical highlights of target countries.
  • …remarquables is dedicated to highlight the contributions of some exemplary people, both men and women, from the target country, in areas such as the arts, sciences, humanitarian work…

Our Amis pour la vie Program

French courses

Our Amis pour la vie program will cover 24 modules, from Beginning to Advanced French. As of Spring 2021, the program offers 8 modules for Beginning French. Intermediate French I will be available by Fall 2021 and Intermediate French II by Spring 2022.
Thanks to its modular nature, Amis pour la vie allows instructors to design their courses according to the specific content they want to cover in their classes. Instructors may choose among the offered modules to create a course and arrange the materials in the preferred sequence, so the course is completley adapted to the pace of the students.

The sequence of modules helps students transition from one term to the other in a seamless progression.  Each Module of Amis pour la vie contains 3 sections: “Des Mots”, “Des Structures” and “C´est la vie!!”.

About our courses

  • Tried, Tested and Approved

  • Our Courses Are Canvas-Native

  • Our Courses Are 100% Universally Accessible

  • Our Courses Allow for Total Personalization

  • VoiceThread Included

  • High Standards

  • Constantly Updated and Improved

  • Meaningful Feedback to Students

  • Assessment, SLOs and Rubrics

We have purposely avoided calling this section vocabulary, though it deals with words.

In every traditional textbook, the vocabulary section includes a list of words to be memorized, “learned” that students are responsible for memorizing. In Amis pour la vie, words are not to be memorized but used, applied and played with.

As students work with Des Mots, they are in familiar territory. According to language experts, French and English share 60% of their vocabulary, with minor spelling variations in many cases. When the vocabulary is related to the sciences, the commonality rises to 90%!

Each Des Mots section includes from 10 to 13 tables or lists of words, totaling around 400 per module. Their relevance and reason for selection is related to their use in our C´est la vie! section.

Students are asked to simultaneously read and listen to the words as they are pronounced by modeling voices, paying attention to their pronunciation and their meaning in English. Students are later asked to record after the modeling.  The drill of recording their voices as they pronounce hundreds of relevant French words, will also foment students’ oral production in a non-threatening context.

Formative assessment related to words will go from basic identifications in beginning Module, to more complex applications in future courses.

Individual, paired, group and full class activities and discussions enable further practice. Students are asked to participate in engaging exercises of identification, matching, definitions and more. Activities are visually engaging and communicative.

In conclusion, the Des Mots section of this class is the student’s sandbox for playing with French words and preparing for extended grammar practice in Des Structures, and an amazing linguistic and cultural immersion in C´est la vie!

The Amis pour la vie program supports a rich, visual and engaging approach to teaching grammar and learning.

The first activity of this section sets the stage for the learning objectives in this module. Students are asked to complete an introductory activity that uses visuals with no previous knowledge of the topic.

The subsection Remarquez. is a general introduction to the grammatical topic presented

À noter… offers a more detailed presentation that helps introduce nuances around the main structural topic. There are many examples of translations and practical communicative applications of the topics at hand.

Each Quick quiz starts with a series of comprehension-checks, to ensure that students were able to follow the presentation. Terminology related to the topic is reviewed, and ample practice follows.

The Amis pour la vie C´est la vie! section is dedicated to each and every French-speaking country.

Naming this section C´est la vie! (vs. culture) reflects our intention to introduce students to the many aspects of life in our countries.

  • Voici… is a visual introduction to the country in focus. Data related to population, political geography, flag, currency… among others. A simple True/False activity ensures critical thinking and comprehension.
  • Tout sur… takes a glance at the history, geography, life and other relevant aspects of life in the target country, from past to present.
  • Fait dans… highlights the creation, the arts and crafts and others that are at the base of the ingenuity of the people of the target country.
  • Notre langue is a visual reflection on how our language works and how it can be used in practical-communicative situations, following the premise that visual comprehension precedes oral production.
  • The Nous sommes comme ça… readings introduce students to the character and characteristics of the people of each target country.
  • The Pour communiquer section focuses on functional uses of French.
  • Si vous voyagez… is a virtual invitation to explore the most beautiful areas of the target countries. Si viajas a… represents an opportunity to familiarize students with the geography, the history, artistic manifestations, among others, of our beautiful Spanish-speaking countries.
  • Apprendre… en enseignant is a section inviting students to share what they have acquired working with their preferred section of each module. The activity should be submitted via Discussions in Canvas or presented in class, after students have transformed their presentation in a short but meaningful vlog.
  • Culture et historie… highlights the different cultural values of the target country: Art, food, music…
  • Notre musique… is an opportunity to learn and enjoy the musical highlights of target countries.
  • …remarquables is dedicated to highlight the contributions of some exemplary people, both men and women, from the target country, in areas such as the arts, sciences, humanitarian work…

Our French as second language courses

Module 1 is dedicated to French as a global language. This module covers its initial development, evolution, history, and different adaptations throughout the world. Basic concepts such as the French alphabet, cognates and numbers are introduced.

Des Mots

Formules de politesse Courtesy formulas
Salutations Greetings
Les gens People
Jours, mois années… Talking About Days, Months, Years…
Nombres cardinaux Cardinal Numbers
Nombres ordinaux et adjectifs Ordinal Numbers
Le cours de français The French Class
Admirer et décrire de très beaux endroits Admiring Natural Beauty
Voyages Traveling
Endroits et éléments Talking About Places and Elements
Nourriture About Food
Au sujet de la culture About Culture
Mots-outils Useful Words

Des Structures

L’alphabet français The French  Alphabet
Los números Numbers
Caracteres especiales Special Characters
Días y festividades Days and Festivities
Fórmulas de cortesía Courtesy Formulas
Cognados y cognados falsos Cognates and False Cognates

C´est la vie!

Voici… Le français dans le monde This is French in the World
L’histoire de la langue française All About the History of Spanish Language
Le Français dans le monde Made in the World
Notre langue. Pour apprendre le Français Our Language: Speaking in Your French Class
Pour communiquer avec les autres To Communicate with Others
Voyager… visiter des endroits magnifiques en pays francophones If You Travel to the Wonders of the French-Speaking Countries
Apprendre… en enseignant Learning by Teaching
Richesse de la culture française The Rich French Culture
Notre Musique. La musique française dans le monde Our Music. French Music Around the World
Des Français célèbres Exemplary French-Speaking Figures

Module 2 is dedicated to our people from the United States, and looks at their heritage and essential contributions to the diversely rich United States.

Des Mots

Adverbes interrogatifs Interrogative words
Quand on parle de la langue Talking About Grammar and Language
Des fêtes francophones en Amérique du Nord Culture of Hispanics in the United States
De différents pays People from Different Countries
Comida y bebidas hispanas Hispanic Food and Drinks
Les liens de parenté Family relationship
Adjectifs Adjectives
Aliments et boissons Foods and drinks
Les arts Arts
D’autres mots utiles Other Words and Useful Expressions

Des Structures

Pronombres personales Personal Pronouns
Artículos definidos e indefinidos Definite and Indefinite Articles
Género y número de sustantivos Gender and Number of Nouns
Adjetivos Adjectives
El verbo hay The verb hay
El verbo ser The verb ser

C´est la vie!

Voici… Le Québec / Le Louisiane This is Le Québec / Le Louisiane
Tout sur… les francophone d’Amérique du Nord All About French-Speakers in the United States
Fait en Amérique Du Nord Made in the the United States
Notre Langue: Chercher un(e) professeur(e) de français par Skype. Our Language: Searching for a French Teacher in Skype
Nous sommes ainsi … les francophones d’Amérique du Nord This is us: French speakers in the United States
Pour communiquer. Notre identité To Communicate. Our identity.
Si vous voyagez… en Louisiane If You Travel to Louisiane
Apprendre… en enseignant Learning by Teaching
La résiliente culture francophone The Rich French-Speaking Culture
Notre Musique. En Amérique du Nord… Our Music in the United States
Francophones importants pour l’histoire du Québec et de la Louisiane dans Important French Speaking Figures for the History of Québec and Louisiane

Module 3 is dedicated to the amazing Les Antilles and its people. Students are introduced to many activities that can be performed and to words that are used in French to label vocations.

Des Mots

Culture et histoire Culture and Civilization
L’artisanat antillais Antillean craftmanship
Choix Options
Données sur les Antilles Data on Antilles
Pour parler des professions To talk about jobs
Activités aux Antilles Activities in the Antilles
Culture des Antilles Culture of Antilles
Adjectifs posessifs Possessive Adjectives
Exprimez ses goûts Expressing Likes
Mots et expressions utiles Words and Useful Expressions


El infinitivo The Infinitive
El presente de indicativo –ar, -er, -ir Present Tense of Regular -ar, -er, -ir Conjugations
El verbo estar The verb estar
El presente continuo Present Progressive
Los adjetivos posesivos Possesive Adjectives

C´est la vie!

Voici… La Martinique / La Guadeloupe / La Guyane This is La Martinique / La Guadeloupe / La Guyane
Tout sur… la Martinique, la Guadeloupe, la Guyane, Haïti All Aboutla Martinique, la Guadeloupe, la Guyane, Haïti
Fait aux Antilles Made in the Antilles
Notre langue: Pour parler de ce nous pouvons faire quand nous sommes tristes. Our Language: To Talk About When We Are Sad
Nous sommes comme ça… nous les antillais This is us: In the Antilles
Pour communiquer. Nos activités au travail To Communicate. Our Task at Work
Si vous voyagez… aux Antilles If You Travel to Antilles
Apprendre… en enseignant Learning by Teaching
Des écrivains antillais francophones The Antilles´ French writers
Notre Musique. Musique des Antilles Our Music in the Antilles
Des Antillais remarquables Remarkable Antilles figures

Modulo 4 highlights beautiful and diverse of Tahiti, La Polynésie Francaise, La Réunion and Madgascar. This module places emphasis on its amazing and varied geography. Later, students learn about Polynesian food and the steps to prepare it.

Des Mots

Activités Activities
Adjectifs Adjectives
Adverbes de certitude, de manière et de négation Adverbs of Certainty, Mode and Negation
Adverbes et prépositions de temps et de lieu Adverbs of Time and Location
Adverbios de cantidad y afirmación Adverbs of Quantity and Affirmation
Produits de Tahiti, La Réunion et Madagascar Products of Tahiti, La Réunion and Madagascar
Préparer un voyage à Tahiti, La Réunion ou Madagascar Planning a Trip to Tahiti, La Réunion and Madagascar
Fêtes, musique, danse à Tahiti, La Réunion et Madagascar Festivities, Music and Dances from Tahiti, La Réunion and Madagascar
Gastronomie tahitienne, réunionnaise et malgache Gastronomy
Mots utiles Useful Words

Des Structures

Adverbios Adverbs
Presente de indicativo de verbos con irregularidades en la raíz Present Indicative of Verbs with Irregularities in the Stem
Verbos tener e ir Verbs tener and ir
Verbos con primera persona irregular Verbs with Irregular First Person
El verbo ir The verb ir

C´est la vie!

Voici… Tahiti, La Réunion et Madagascar This is Tahiti, La Réunion et Madagascar
Tout sur… Tahiti (Polynésie Francaise) / La Réunion / Madagascar All About Tahiti (Polynésie Francaise) / La Réunion / Madagascar
Fait dans les iles Made in the Islands
Notre langue: Donner des instructions pour cuisiner Our Language: Cooking Instructions
Nous sommes comme ça… … les Tahitiens / … les Réunionnais This is us: In Tahiti and La Réunion
Pour communiquer. Mes voyages To Communicate. My travels.
Si vous voyagez… If You Travel…
Apprendre… en enseignant Learning by Teaching
Culture et histoire des iles … Culture and History
Notre Musique. Musique des Antilles Our Music in the Antilles in the islands
Tahitiens, Réunionnais et Malgaches remarquables Remarkable Antilles, La Réunion and Malgaches figures

Des Mots

Nourriture, boissons
Objets et matériaux
Les gens
Les transports
Technologies, médecines
Fêtes et festivals
La nature
Époque, administration
Mots utiles

Des Structures

Object direct et indirect
Pronoms objets directs et indirects
Verbes réfléchis
Passé composé des verbes réguliers
Passé composé des verbes irrréguliers

C’est la vie!

Voici… l’Île-de-France
Tout sur… l’Île-de-France
Fait en l’Île-de-France
Notre langue
Nous sommes ainsi
Pour parler de la routine
Voyager en Île-de-France
Apprendre en enseignant
Fêtes en Île-de-France
Paris en musique
Personnes remarquables

Des Mots

Expressions de quantité
Plantes et animaux
Climat et saisons
Paysages géographiques
Expressions pour situer
Mots utiles

Des Structures

Articles (review)
Partitive articles
Pronoun en
Pronoun y
Demonstrative adjectives
Demonstrative pronouns

C’est la vie!

Voici la Région Sud
Tout sur la Région Sud
Fait en PACA
Nous sommes comme ça
Voici les grandes villes
Voyager en Région Sud
Apprendre en enseignant
La fameuse cuisine Provençale
Fêtes en Région Sud
Provençaux remarquables

Des Mots

Sports et loisirs
Nature et paysage
Histoire, architecture
Parties du corps
Mots utiles

Des Structures

Pour parler du corps
Passé composé, imparfait et plus-que-parfait

C’est la vie!

Voici la Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Tout sur la Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Fait en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Nous sommes ainsi
Les grandes villes
Voyager en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Pour parler de notre enfance
Apprendre en enseignant
Cuisine en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Fêtes en Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Personnes remarquables

Des Mots

Objets et matériaux
Nature et agriculture
Lieux et évènements
Les gens
Mots utiles

Des Structures

Les pronoms relatifs
Le futur simple
Le conditionnel

C’est la vie!

Voici la Normandie
Tout sur la Normandie
Fait en Normandie
Nous sommes ainsi
Les grandes villes
Voyager en Normandie
Pour parler de l ‘environnement
Apprendre en enseignant
Cuisine Normande
Fêtes en Normandie
Personnes remarquables

Ask for additional information
